Our little Hazel Sue is six months old. Half a year! It’s been the fastest six months of my entire life, I can’t believe how much she has grown and changed. I’ve been with her this whole time and it really has happened in front of my eyes.

Hazel joining our family has been such a seamless transition. She’s so easy to love. Even during those late night feeds and diaper changes, I just adore her little self. She is pretty consistently sleeping through the night now which I will happily accept though!

We have so much love for this tiny, beautiful baby we brought into this world. Ryan and I often say, I can’t believe she’s ours! She’s straight from heaven and such a light in our lives. She is easy to get a smile and giggle out of.

Hazel, I can’t wait to witness you grow and change and become everything you’re going to become. You bring such beauty and wonder to our lives little girl.