“Sometimes you will never know the true value of something until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss
My first project of the year is one I had seen before on Pinterest and wanted to make it a tradition for our house. This is our goal:
Starting January 1st, write good things that happen to you on little pieces of paper: surprise gifts, accomplished goals, “LOL” moments, memories worth saving, daily blessings. Then on December 31st, open the jar and read all the amazing things that happened to you that year!
I designed this little title, printed it on transparent paper, and wrapped it around the inside of a jar. Eventually, I would love to have it on vinyl but this is a quick and easy way which looks just as nice.

I wish I had a Polaroid, I think adding photos would also be a nice idea to put in the jar.
I love this quote and thought it went well with this idea. I had fun making it and can’t wait to fill it up.

Click for a free printable for your own Jar of Memories in navy, peach, or black!