I’m not trying to act like I know everything now that I’m a mom. But these are pieces of advice I was given at my baby shower that I love and want to share with you!
- There is good and bad with each phase. Try to focus on the good and remember that it all goes way too fast!
- Motherhood is tough, but so sweet. You are now living for another person. It’s the best but can be hard. Don’t forget to spend time for yourself and don’t be hard on yourself!
- Find time for yourself, make time to do things you love. And remember it is all worth it!
- Do what feels good to you! Listen to advice, but always just do what feels right for you and the baby & spouse. Ask for help and soak up the newborn goodness!
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Most people want to help but are not sure what you want most!
- Have your spouse wear the baby in the wrap right away. He will love the snuggles and you will love the break!
- Try taking the baby on movie dates while she is still little. She will likely sleep the whole time!
- Everyone says it but actually sleep when the baby sleeps!
- Don’t stress over everything the way you’re “supposed” to. Find what works for you and don’t have mom guilt if it’s not the popular way. Just do what you can and don’t stress about the rest.
- Sensitive parenting is listening to your child’s cues. Cultural perspective is that our kids are trying to manipulate us instead of treating their behavior as legitimate, equal to our own, and communicative.
- Listen to your kids. Give yourself some slack. Don’t try to fit your family into a neat little box. You need to parent the kid you have, in the circumstances you have, not a hypothetical child in your head.
- You will have mom guilt and worry about the silliest things. From the baby not eating enough to eating too much. Or not sleeping well or sleeping too long. Just accept and know that if you are feeling mom guilt that just means you are being a good mom!