So this weekend was spring break for everyone….except BYU. Lame. But my friend Candy Peraza came to visit! The reason he came was because we bought tickets to go see Boyce Avenue live, in concert! We bought VIP tickets as well, so we could meet and greet them!
We started out on our epic day adventure on our way to Salt Lake.
We walked around Temple Square, may I say there were about 4 wedding photos going on at the same time. We took some cool pictures and saw pretty much everything you can in temple square.

We ate at the garden restaurant with the beauuuutiful view of the temple right next to us. 🙂
And we took a tour of the Conference center and went on the roof where there was another beautiful view of the temple!

Then we were on our way to the concert! We got to In the Venue and sat in line forever. Finally we figured out where we needed to go in order to get our lanyards and go inside early to meet Boyce Avenue. I ran into Zoe Theobald, a friend from freshman year, and her sisters as they were getting ready to meet and greet them too!
1. A hug from Alejandro, Daniel, and Fabian. 🙂
2. A picture with Boyce Avenue! It went by so fast that I didn’t even have time to pull them in closer…it was so awesome to meet them though, they are so chill and so nice and so awesome.!!

3. A signed poster, limited edition. boo yah.
4. They signed my lanyard.
5. Since we had a meet and greet we were one of the first in line to go in so we got the perfect front row spot next to Zoe and her sisters.

6. Attractive band named After Party played
7. Secondhand Serenade played!
8. An awesome performance from Boyce. There were SOO many people!! It was packed and although standing for 5+ hours was not so fun, we were lucky to have a bar in the front row we could lean on and put our stuff by.
9. We all got guitar picks! Of course mine was the only one that didn’t have “boyce avenue” printed on the back, but oh well I still got one!
10. Two pictures with Secondhand Serenade! The first one will not be seen by others because I was so excited and my face was so tense that I look really ridiculous….why does star struck have to be so unattractive looking!? 😉
11. A picture with the hot guy in After Party (who was totally into me, Candy was a witness, hahaha). Unfortunately I do not have that picture right now because Zoe’s sister took it on her camera but believe me he was attractive! (too bad he was about only an inch taller than me, probably why he was hitting on me because i was the only one shorter than him haha)

12. And the most amazing day ever, all with Candy! 🙂

All three bands were amazing live, especially Boyce Avenue. It was so cool to meet them, they are so chill and so nice. I had a blast and will most likely be the best concert I will ever go to.