Red Cabbage Dyed Easter Eggs

Who knew that red cabbage would make purple liquid and then make a beautiful indigo dye? I wanted to try a new way of Easter egg dying and this one seemed simple enough to give it a go!



  1. Chop red cabbage and add to a pot of water (I used a small one but a larger one would be a lot easier to fit the entire cabbage and get a more intense/quicker dye).
  2. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 20-30 minutes, until the red cabbage has turned almost translucent.
  3. Drop the eggs in for however long you please! The longer you wait, the more deep the indigo gets!


I also saw different ways to decorate the eggs. I loved one that had little leaf patterns and it was actually quite simple to do!

  1. Find a small leaf you want to make an impression on the egg with. Wipe off your egg with any access water or dirt.
  2. Paint the section you want the leaf to sit with egg white. This will help keep the leaf from moving while in the water. Place the leaf and paint over the top.
  3. Wrap the egg with some nylon (or any mesh fabric) and tie with a string.


I think it turned out pretty cool!

I had my cute neighbors over and we watercolored some eggs while the red cabbage ones were dying!

The end product! Instead of cooking my eggs I decided to blow the stuff out inside so they never go bad! You can do this by poking holes on each side with a pin and blowing it out but I bought this little egg  blower that works fantastic and only needs one hole to work! I didn’t take a photo of me using it but it is pretty gnarly to see all the egg white and yolk drain out. And now I can keep these eggs as long as I want!

As you can tell, I can’t wait to do activities like these with our future little family!

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